Sunday 1 September 2019

Good Rey-Bad Rey?

 Bit late with this...but I hope that Blockage Runner is the Tantive IV (the first ship you see in A New Hope)

When I first saw this trailer  I was drunk so thought it might of been a hoax  as it starts off kinda like a well edited fan made trailer but came back it to it last few days to give it another look and yep it's real .. shouldn't drink on a Monday I guess

The big reveal at the end is what appears to Rey all Sithed Up ..

 I go with the Clone sith  theory except that isn't the good Rey but rather one of Palps failed experiments (Frankenstein in Space.. he may of had whole assembly line of Reys) The Rey from the movies is the only good one that functions like a human the others maybe we'll see in future movies  but like to think theres lots of her -except Daisy's Rey is the exception to the rule -But I'm not sure she'll be able to fight them all .. if this is just some kind of Force vision it would be lame and a cop out! -
If it's just one good Rey and just one bad Rey   It'll be like that episode of Top Cat where Officer Dibble gets replaced by a lookalike lol (seen that story so many times) This will be more like Force Unleashed rather than that. so plenty of swordplay for years to come if they want to continue Rey and Kylos saga

I hope that bucket can come off as Kerris kinda nice looking
under that thing- reminds me of  something Carlos Ezquerra would come up with this costume -one of Po's old muckers -I wonder if she's a Bounty Hunter ?

 Vanity Fair pics - heres one of Withnail & Trump (Hux reminds me of that blathermouth)

 And how do the Knights of Ren fit into all this ? .. my theory is they went into the Unknown regions or the Beyond and bring back  a Armada of Clone Reys accidently(if they're as naive as Kylo)  or purposely  -the're another piece in this mystery after two movies we know very little about.

So  what of Palpy Walpy - it would be a bit crap if they clone him -that stories been done before in the early 90's with Dark Empire Trilogy - I like the idea of his essence been trapped inside Vaders helmet (Evil Masks have been turning up in comics over last few years what with Lando series where he steals the Emperors Yacht  onboard are sith artifacts including these masks that possess -it's really cool story worth tracking down  and lately in The Vader comic theres the architect of Vaders castle  who is also possesssed by evil mask ) But I still think The Emperor is  dead .. even if he's on poster does the voice over on trailer , he'll appear in movie for sure - but in hologram of flashback scene to explaining Reys origins  -Palpatine is Georges creation I think he belongs in that timeline- although I do feel he is searching for immortality hence the Rey Cloning project  on Jakku
Well could be Right I could Be Wrong .. We'll find out around Christmas  not such a long wait for second season of Resistance though -catches up with events occuring around The Force Awakens and Last Jedi -I've been following that show-even if its for younglings(it connects the dots between the two sequel movies   Hopefully we'll get to see more of the Galaxy in this season as it was very much centred on one planet  this the  last season and far more is at stake .

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