Sunday 29 December 2019

"If You Wish Upon a Star"

"This is the Way!" & "I Have Spoken"  ahh man this show even has catchphrases Fridays will not be the same again till maybe November next year .. got that Happy Days vibe again  which says alot. I wonder if Cad Bane pops up in season 2 that might be him on Tatooine at the end of episode 5 .
Gonna pitch some shows whilst I'm here- "Cloud City Blues" about some Bespin Wing Guards fighting or getting caught up in corruption  on the Tibannopolis could star  Al Pachino as Baron Administrator  Dominic Raynor (he kind of looks like him in the comic) who was in charge of the gas mining operation before Lando won it off him in a game of Sabbac -got this idea looking at Ralph McQuarries early cloud city paintings
I'd even feature Jango in this before he got silver armor as the  orignal white armor and poncho looked very cool- be a waste never to see this look on screen
 Then there's Crimson Empire ..perfect setting too -wonder if they could de-age Sean Connery always though Kir Kanos looked a bit like Seany boy well at least in the first part of the trilogy
Some Dave Dorman awesomeness -totally in love with Mirith Sinn too (couldn't ask for a better nanny for Ben Solo)
Rogue Squadron featuring Wedge again the perfect kind of serial you'd wanna tune into every week -great to see Wedge in The Rise of Skywalker be it for about a second -very fast moving movie whole film seemed be aimed at Energy Drinkers -but I'll stick with me Guinness another X Wing tv show could be based on Darklighter the story of how Biggs defected from the Imperials my last pitch and I'm very much a fan of these guys would be either Republic Commando /Imperial Commando band of Brothers type show -mind you the animated Clone Wars series did an excellent job depicting life of Clones but what about between the wars - what happened to these guys -and how did the accellorated aging effect them - I'mhoping Obi Wan actually hooks up with Cody again in new live series -could well happen seeing as he had the coolest armour and he was like Obi Wans batman (in militrey terms) and how about Senate Commando's humans with lifes outside the service some would have famillies and a life outside there duty which they'd come into conflict with one such guard been Sagaro Autem Anyhow food for thought in a Galaxy Far Far Away.. hope whoevers reading this had as a neat as Christmas as I have.

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