Monday 11 May 2020

Fallout4 Order Playlist 3

More Vids doubt anyone will find time to watch them  -but once I'm gone there's the remote random chance they'll become cinematic classics lol

Least I have the best dressed army of partisans  on my side -
Highlight Mods include Tales from the Commonwealth , The Code,Saint Marta(although face changed as I had to restart character -but goes back to Buffy after)Fourville (bit of a current favourite)Outcasts and Renegades -good to kill Hitler and his cronies again  and nick there Hugo Boss -Barrenwood  Island -Northern  Springs among the Vanilla and DLC  storylines - only scratching the surface  though - as theres plenty more to follow -including Fallout London - here's my version of there preview  scene

(I change everything go Bat Trade crazy- not meaning Wet Markets - still think that's fiction - We didn't find out about Influenza Pandemics true history till about  100 years later  not sure they'll tell the truth now either )specially when you got madmen running the show

Maybe should take a look at Fallout 3 mods as Malcy Mcdowell 's in that game -people give off about  this game but it's a vast improvement the way they do people and camera angles - much from freedom in that respect - interests me more that the dialouge feels real rather than given a long speech all the time too - the more natural the speech is the better it works for me -maybe betheseda and these dudes and dudesses  should team up - would make sense
This staying in doors lark isn't easy for sure but if it safes lifes it's your duty -don't listen to snake doctor politicians listen to the experts the medical people- the people who's lives are on the line and saving others- I smoke my green  drink my stout , blast myself with music  and  dig the world anyhow all indoors kinda easy when you wanna make a cinematic opus out of a computer game  - but theres billions of other things that may depend entertaining ones inner self rather than freeling trapped in a hutch - believe you me  least I got experience in that.

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