Saturday 10 July 2021

England VS Italy Playlist

 It's gotta be All or Nothing tommorow -Here's to Victory (mind you I'd probably support Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland if they were in tournament) but I was born in Blighty and it'll be nice to win for a change at the Footie -a Rave Up playlist featuring English and Italian Beat Combos and some a mix of Italian and British as a few groups back then had more success in Italy than in there native country such as The Sorrows and The Primitives (not the Tracy Tracy Prims ) but Mal and The Primitives

Only 20 clips this time (I do tend to over do things sometimes ) A pic of the first England Squad I remember vaguely from 1975 -I was 3 then so my memories a bit hazy..
A masterpiece from Celebity Football stickers Whatever happens tomorrow happens lets hope it's an entertaining game. ,

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