Monday 3 September 2018

"Reasons to be Cheerful" Part 3

Kinda of like a Ultra Violence version of Haysi Fantaysi lol - 48 Minutes - kind of takes the surprise away-but at same time been waiting to see how game stacks up -not the finished product -perhaps they could have dialogue cut scenes every time like Fallout does makes it more like a unique experience that way -not sure they'll do that though.It's certainly not for young kids -but old kids like me  it should be a good ride .The city is kinda like Mega City One minus fatties and kneepads but I hope Rebellion are taking notes for a Dredd game (I'd imagine it would have to feature The Cursed Earth and Under City to add some diversity- but more about that later )Hope this comes out soon- but not too soon though  as it usually takes a good while to get through a Rockstar Epic - And I'm really looking forward to this one -looks like it'll be a immersive experience-hopefully story will be first class too like it's predecessor
Yep I put this trailer up before -still waiting for follow up once that's out I'll stick it under here-Arthur reminds me of Pierce Brosnan -remember seeing him in a western a few years back on telly with Liam Neeson  it must  of been this one

slaying fascists as I'm going through Sniper Elite series in chronological order- it's debatable if Karl was on heavy psychedelics by the time Zombie Army Trilogy happens - would be cool if he visits Greek islands in a prequel to give The Green Devils grief-I just wish there was a Major Eazy skin though .. Dude who gives Karl a voice was also Tony the Tiger for Frosties There's DLC on both game where you can assassinate Hitler -it could be his double though -need to see X-Ray cam to see if any of his bits are missing I guess ' Yep that's him alright no doppleganger lol not sure I wanna shoot my Russian allies though -better have extra good reason for that -I blame Patton probably got pissed up on vod and created Cold War in one evening ... Zombie Army looks the most fun kind of like Sniper Elite Red Dead Nightmare look forward forward to playing this-dig the colour I've seen in clips I've seen and the  Zombies look awesome too Plus there's a updated Rogue Trooper out on consoles  -I may give this another go -I'm hoping more comic characters get a chance to be featured in games seeing as Rebellion print 2000AD so if there's a Dredd  Strontium Dog or ABC Warriors  on the way it should be done with the love and care that's put into Rogue -as it's one of he best future war games out there

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