Monday 18 November 2019

Mando Monday

IG11 & Dyn Jarren (how do I know his name? You'll find out in a second)-still maybe it's a nickname like "Blondie"  in The Good and the Bad and Ugly... I guess the Pint spilling routine is universal.
it was actually himself or the Carmine Infantino looking alien that spilt the drink-kinda sets things up this scene theres in a chink literally in the Mando's armor get the feeling we'll get to see his more human side as the story progresses

It's been a good past week if you're a fan of all things Mando and Star Wars  although difficult in my country to able to watch it -I had to watch first episode in Russian or a Eastern European language bombarded by betting adverts but dialouge aside I liked what I saw and most importantly understood it - So I guess I saw it almost like a proper Spagetthi Western except Slavic  instead of Italian  I managed to see second episode in English though thankfully but really have to be on guard for malaware and shite like that-I blame Murdoch not Disney for this dumb state of affairs I could rant about that  but shows lived up to my expectations - but hate having to wait till Summer wouldn't it be smarter to have a DVD/Blu Ray release before then  maybe that'll be what will happen. Here's Dyn (maybe it's wrong spelling ) discussing his role

I'll try to avoid spoilers in this post except The Mandolorians actual name-they don't give away too much in this show theres no indication of the names of the planets (unlike Rogue One which did name planets and moons with a subtitle but that didn't feel very Star Wars- but this show doesn't tell you so you have to listen for clues where the action takes place -a bit difficult when you know about 4 words of Russian)
Sir Dave (well I'd give him a Knighthood)and Jonny F on the making of the show actually durr same interview with Pedro but nevermind

Theres plenty of speculation about a short scene in first episode whether or not it's Boba Fett -too clean I reckon could be a Mandalorian Protector like Fenn or Tobbi -as the colours relate but if it is Fett must of spruced up since his spell in the Sarlacc.

Looking forward to Friday or Saturday if I can track down a version of the third episode  but all good stuff - proper space western stuff especially  end credits paintings memories of shows like Bonanza  for a future age-excellent work on Soundtrack as well as Fallen Orders soundtrack really good too

Lovely paintings -like Ralphs Galaxy but grittier really dig these, Musics great in Fallen Order too -got that Yoda on Dagobah vibe I've only just left Bogano jumping around like a mad ginger eejit getting lost constantly falling off ridges  re-learning wall running only to repeat that process on another planet lol except I'm gonna have to fight the Empire -been a Jedi is very much a school of hard knocks - maybe my mind will be clearer once I complete this (with my sense of direction that may take a while) but so far so good we'll how this plays out...

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