Sunday 16 January 2022

HypTV 130

Start these things off as a way to cheer myself up-as weeks progress things got tainted by what I hear in the news -never felt more divided and disrepected -I hope people aren't asleep on this -BBC tend to help these lying two faced cretins - there was a time when they'd relish such a hideous contradiction - 

Back in May 2020 my Mum had to go into hospital and at the same time my best mate also wound up in hospital -My friend picked up covid there he died that summer no one could say goodbye -no one could attend cremation whilst my Mum spent monthes away from her family - sure i'd have a drink and smoke in that time frame but on my jack jones especiually in May 2020-just hope the Badship Boris sinks this week for good of all sanity.- Back to Boba in next post  -reality can take a walk right now

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