Monday 23 August 2021

Colouring Project The Sarge Episode 3


Episode 3 of  The Sarge in Sicily -Story Gerry Day -Art By Mike Western If I can keep going I'll also try and colour the Sarges platoons exploits in Italy -not sure I'll post them here though -seems fruitless nobody visits here and I'm a bit browned off with the fact -maybe it's google or perhaps blog doesn't work in certain counties -but always put Everythang into Everythang and go nowhere -  then realise I'm going somrwhere and I'm happier that way  dumbasses try  bring me down - but it's bit like Happy Jack when you got something to do that you love and colouring Mikes art brings me back home to been 4 again. 

Dad would buy me a copy of Battle and I'd devour  Joes Coloquhoun pages showing the seige of Leningrad  and the ite Owls - may have a go at Johnny Red one day but I gotta me the master colourist before I try - but back then it wasnt wall to wall  Coronaton Emmerdale Street      but Jack Hargreaves  Out of Town followed by Happy Days and  then Josey Wells been premiered on the box - then I'd get to the Sarge which instantly clicked as I saw I had this box of soldiers

 The Dude who painted these surname is "Post" -there's Roy Huxley but who was this dude both good inspirational figures to have .  


 But Yeah Mr Rock  was big with us 4 year olds back in 77 too- wonder howhe  adjusted to civilian life-should do a follow up as him been a cool Dad in the fiftys-picket fences and all.


I would never look at this art as propaganda -rather more a really well told story - all the good war comics like to tell the truth as oppossed to wave a flag for some undeserved cause.. it would be about individuals trapped in a nightmare situation and through experience and good soldiering they would endure untill the next episode -You could sense both Jim Masters and Sgt Rock were based upon real people and real events although no platoon would every face such a hairy war it felt like snapshots of true experiences - Joe's the man!


Dude put in alot of Work I gotta be the same -finish off with a nod to the first wave of liberators of Europe in 1943 The Sarge and Sgt Rock did hook up sorta - except it was in North Africa might colour that story someday.

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