Friday 12 June 2015

Hipsville 2015ad Triple Bill.

Original image comes from
who also filmed some footage -way beter than my effort I uploaded the other day..I'll feature a song from that video  on other blog playlist  but my post the other day   it was first time I filmed anything at a event -not used to using camera much-and certainly not used to using one after hours of boozing in a unfamiliar area -I'm very fortunate to get camera back though -I'm eternarly grateful to staff member of club who sent it back to me.. the footage I'm about to embed features Oh!Gunquit-at same show not sure there was enough room on stage to Hula Hoop -(actually "Stampede" features Hula Hoop and Trumpet )but did see a few Hula Hoops been spun before show -guess it's catching on -I didn't film this part of the evening but remember "Sinkhole" tearing off the roof .. glad this in existence .

Filmed a little bit of Kinoco Hotel Show as you may of saw the other day-perhaps somebodies filmed the whole thing-I dunno- but what a band!!!-I'm in love with all of them  -Mariannes amazing frontwoman and keyboardist -you should check out their albums I'll feature a couple more tracks on Radio playlist over the summer(as well as OhGunQuit) I'm so lucky to have seen them in action but this is the Bristol show -look at how many cameras! ...that really should be a moshpit by rights.
Here's a band I'd like to have seen that played Hipsville 2015 -real authentic rave up sounds -vocalist even sounds a bit like Pretty Things singer Phil May on Hully Gully Wind -hope more stuffs on the way -must certainly  an exiting act -they've got this sound down right.-

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