Saturday 13 June 2015

Sir Van

Not a fan of British Royal Family seeing as I'm of Irish Royalty back in the day of Liz the First ancestors  fought and long and hard to save country from English brigands -we all know how that turned out -still I congratulate Liz 2 for excellent taste in her Birthday honours(Van and Lenny) and the strenghning of bond between the Irish and the Brits in recent times (it is better to try and heal wounds than leave them open)-I hope one day people will look ahead rather than to the past-  -always liked Liz 2 really -(good at fixing cars too I imagine seeing as that what she learnt during ww2 and accidently a punk icon lol )not keen on all the pomp and stuff -looks very Austro-Hungarian to me -but she's alrite for recognising Ivan and Delbert Wilkins... a few of my fave Van moments...

Channeling Bobby"Blue" Bland here big time. The best version-no question about that. Always intrigued since I was a kid about The time Them and Doors played the Whiskey A-GO GO -a legendary gig for sure they ended up on stage together -it must of been amazing (just wish there were bootlegs of that night)
Check the Deerstalker -Van liked the Downliner Sect as far as I know... a few solo songs .. won't be too comprehensive as I gotta split plus waaay too many songs for one post-maybe I create a playlist one day. TB Sheets is amazing -The Stones must of loved that record too as it sounded like the direction they went in. A rare interview on Dutch TV (guess that's the show where he teamed up with Cuby and the Blizzards to mime Mystic Eyes in a Zoo lol) Ilove Astral Weeks-who doesn't? My fave version of a very old song...

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